Stats world of warships
Stats world of warships

stats world of warships

Many, many times I've found that adding the work please (or plz) behind a request of your mates while in battle goes a very long way. The most important people on a team are those who communicate properly people who pay attention to the entire map and can think and relay a strategy and options to their mates. If some tries to stat shame me I retort with, " Ok, then what should I have done differently?" To which they usually respond, " Git Gud." Such Wordsmiths, they are. I don't hide my stats partially to prove a point. I'd say the #1 reason for this is that I'm seasoned enough in life to know not to be a hypocrite. However, in all this time, I've never stat shamed anyone. I even asked a teammate WG employee, who will remain nameless ( think Ornithology), if he was on crack as he drove our only CV directly into a batch of those pretty little Japanese woman BBs within the first 3 minutes of the game. I've called everyone on the N/A server something at least once: Ranging from a potato to a farggin bastage to a child molester as I felt they needed to hear it and possibly wear it as a badge of honor. I know it certainly wasn't being called a potato (and everything else you can think of besides being called a white man). I don't think it was "the one thing" that made me so ambivalent. I was even hospitalized last year and still never let a daily lapse. I might stack 3 up but I always made sure I got at least 1 of them done so I'd have an empty spot the next morning. In all this time, I've never let that happen. Because of my in-action on Tuesday, I let Wednesday's daily mission restart delete my daily mission in that I didn't finish the 3 which were already there. On Tuesday, I logged in and just looked at my screen, wondering why I don't get excited about it anymore. I've played it every single day since April of 2015 except for Tuesday. I've played every class, participated in every single contest posted on the main " News" page and in many of the contests announced only on the Forum. I've never played this game using regular non-premium time…not 1 single day. You know, I've played this game for a long time.

Stats world of warships